
Des Clics Et Vous – 14 rue des trapézistes – 85470 Brétignolles sur Mer


Legal information:

Company name: Plasticon France S.A.
Address : 16, rue Robert Schuman – F-85170 Dompierre sur Yon – France
Phone number: +33 251 088 655 Fax number: +33 251 341 402
SIRET number: Trade and Companies Register number:
Intracommunity VAT number :
Email address:

The web designer is: DES CLICS ET VOUS
The Publication director is: Franck BOUTET
Contact the publication director:

The Webmaster is: DES CLICS ET VOUS
Contact the Webmaster: –



OVH Head office: 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France



The website owner provides information on the website which is as accurate as possible. However, the website owner can’t be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and update deficiencies, whether they are due to him/her or to the partners who provide him/her with this information.
All the information mentioned on the website is given on an indicative basis, non-exhaustive and likely to change. Information is given subject to the modifications which has been made since its uploading.


Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting:

The website owner also owns the intellectual property rights or the rights of use of all the elements available on the website, notably the texts, pictures, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, softwares…
Any total or partial reproduction, representation, modification, publication or adaptation of the elements appearing on this website, whatever the way they are used, is forbidden, bar a prior written permission sent to the following e-mail address: .
Any non-authorized use of the website or its elements will be considered as counterfeiting and sued in conformity with the articles L.335-2 and those following of the Intellectual Property Code.


Pictures – Illustrations:

© PXHERE (copyright-free photos)


Protection et personal data management:

Read our Privacy Policy.


Cookies Policy:

When you visit our website, you are informed that cookies can be installed on your terminal equipment (your computer, your tablet, your smartphone, etc), according to the prior choices you made regarding Cookies, that you can modify at any time.

A cookie is a little file, generally composed of letters and numbers, stored in an Internet user’s terminal equipment and used by the website to send information to the internet user’s browser, allowing this browser to send information back to the original website (for example: a username, a language choice or a date).

Cookies make it possible to keep information, during the time of validity of each cookie, when a browser gains access to the different pages of a website or when this browser goes back to this website later.

Cookies are stored in your browser memory and each one of them generally includes:

  • The name of the server from which the cookie has been sent
  • The lifespan of the cookie
  • A value – usually a unique number randomly generated.
  • The internet server which sends the cookie uses this number to recognize you when you go back to the website or when you surf from page to page. Only the transmitter of the cookie can read or modify the information it contains.

There are two types of cookies, « temporary » cookies and « persistent » cookies:

  • « Temporary » cookies enable websites to connect your actions during a session. These « temporary » cookies disappear at the end of the session and therefore are not stored longer.
  • « Persistent » cookies are stored in your computer between the sessions and keep your preferences or actions in the website memory (or sometimes on different websites). « Persistent » cookies can have several uses and they can notably be used to remember your preferences and choices during a session on a website.

Cookies can also be classified in the following categories: « internal » cookies, which come from the website you are visiting, or « third-party » cookies, coming from another website.

Strictly-necessary cookies:

These are the cookies which are necessary to the operation of this website. Thanks to them, you can use the main functions of our website, for example:

  • Access your customer space,
  • Record your items in your cart,
  • Change the language,
  • Access your personal space to manage your accounts and services with your usernames,
  • Use safety measures to authenticate the users, prevent any fraudulent use of your connection information and protect your user data from non-authorized users. These safety measures make it possible to block many kinds of attacks, such as theft attempts of the forms you fill in on our websites.

Without those cookies, you can’t use our website properly. Those cookies are placed by Plasticon and concern our website only.

Analytics cookies:

This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service and audience measurement provided by Google Inc. (« Google »). Google Analytics cookies are used to help the website analyze the way visitors use our website.

These cookies are used for statistical and trafic management analysis which, for example, helps us improve the ergonomics of the website and interest for our services. Google Analytics conforms to the EU legislation in terms of data protection, as shown in the documents below. This means that it guarantees users’ data protection thanks to measures such as the anonimity of the original data and deactivation mechanisms made by users.

The list of these cookies as well as their functions are exposed in the chart below:

Google Analytics’ list of cookies:

Name of the cookie Function Duration
_ga Google Analytics Audience Measure 13 months
_gat Google Analytics Audience Measure 1 minute
_gid Google Analytics Audience Measure 24 hours

Cookies Management:
You can control cookies thanks to your browser settings. If most of the browsers are configured by default and accept cookies, you can, if you want, choose to accept all the cookies, or reject them systematically or else you can choose those you accept according to the transmitter. You can also configure your browser to accept or reject the cookies individually prior to their installation. You can also delete cookies regularly from your terminal via your browser.

The use of cookies or similar technologies by any commercial website content supplier is submitted to their own privacy policy about cookies.

The CNIL (Computing and Freedom National Commission) provides a cookies management software. To learn more about it, please visit the website:

Here are the choices your browser offers you :

You can configure your browser to:

  • Register cookies in your terminal or, on the contrary, reject them systematically or according to their transmitter.
  • Accept or reject cookies punctually, before a cookie can be registered in your terminal.

For further information, see our section « How can you apply your choices, according to the browser you use ? »

(a) Cookies agreement

The recording of a cookie in a terminal is subject to the prior agreement of the terminal users, the latter can apply or modify this recording at any moment and freely, thanks to the options offered by their browser.
If you have accepted the recording of cookies in your terminal via your browser, the cookies integrated in the pages and contents you have visited can be temporarily stored in a dedicated space of your terminal. Only their transmitter can read them.

(b) Cookies decline

If you decline the recording of some kinds of cookies in your terminal, or if you delete those which are recorded there, you can’t use some of the functions anymore, yet those functions are necessary to surf some pages of our website. This would be the case if you tried to access our contents or services requiring identification, or if we – or our providers – couldn’t recognize, for technical compatibility reasons, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language or display settings or the country from which your terminal seems to be hooked up to the internet.
If applicable, we take no responsibility for the consequences related to the damaged operation of our services, resulting from our impossibility to record or consult the cookies necessary to their operation and which you would have forgotten to decline or delete.

(c) How can you apply your choices, according to the browser you use ? »

You can oppose cookies recording following the steps below:

On Internet Explorer:

  1. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab.
  3. Click the advanced button, tick « Ignore the automatic cookies management”.

On Firefox:

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button (menu Tools under Windows XP), then choose Options.
  2. Select Privacy Settings.
  3. Set up the Conservation rules : use the personalized settings for the History tab.
  4. Untick Accept Cookies.

On Chrome:

  1. Click the icon representing a wrench, on the browser toolbar :
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Display the Advanced Settings.
  4. In the “Privacy” section, click the Content Settings button.
  5. In the “Cookies” section, you can block the cookies and data coming from other websites.

On Safari:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences
  2. Click the Privacy tab
  3. In the ”Block the cookies” section, tick ”Always”

On Opéra:

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences
  2. Click on the ”Advanced” tab
  3. In the “Cookies“ section, tick ”Never accept cookies”

For further information on the cookies settings and management, please visit these dedicated pages:

Internet Explorer™ :
Safari™ :
Chrome™ :
Firefox™ :
Opera™ :

Performance cookies:

Performance cookies enable us to optimize our website and detect the possible technical problems you could face.

Thanks to them, we can also collect information about the way you use our website, notably the number of visits per page, the number of displayed error messages, the time you spend on a page, or else the number of clicks for a given section of the website.
The information given cannot be used for sales.